Almgern & Sankamo

Helsinki | Kotka | Kouvola

Family and inheritance law


Changes in family relationships and, in particular, the death of a loved one are major life events. Such changes can be planned for in advance – and it is well worth doing so. Almgren & Sankamo provides legal assistance in a wide range of legal issues, such as ending a marriage, writing a will, or distributing an inheritance.


Proactive planning is a key advantage

Our lawyers will provide you with convenient help in all types of legal situations relating to family life. We will help you plan for major life changes by preparing wills, deeds of gifts, trusteeship credentials, prenuptial agreements and other documents needed to prepare for changing life situations.

Wills, gifts made before death and other such arrangements can impact the transfer of property after the death of a family member. These arrangements minimise taxation and protect the interests of widows, widowers and other direct heirs.

For example, a prenuptial agreement can ensure that family-owned real estate remains in the family, or that business-related property is excluded from marital rights. Drafting trusteeship credentials ensures in advance that a person’s affairs can be flexibly managed if in the future that person’s own ability to manage them unexpectedly, or less unexpectedly, deteriorates. We also assist with drafting deeds of gifts and inheritance advances.


Estate inventories and distribution of an inheritance

An estate (or inheritance) can, within certain limitations, be distributed in the manner agreed by the parties to the estate. Making an agreement is usually the most advantageous way of distributing the estate. We have long experience in drafting estate inventory deeds, deeds of estate distribution, and other agreements for managing a deceased person’s estate.


Marriage and divorce

Divorce usually necessitates a distribution or separation of matrimonial property. This may be done by agreement, through a property settlement, or by judicial decree¬ if no agreement can be reached. It is wisest to engage a competent lawyer to help in divorce matters. We can advise in drafting a deed of distribution for matrimonial assets. We also assist our clients in property distribution negotiations and in any disputes arising from the distribution process.


Child’s interests take first place

In divorce cases the care, living arrangements, visiting rights and child support issues must often be addressed – and here the child’s interests are of key importance. If the child’s care providers cannot reach agreement, issues concerning the child’s interests will be resolved by a court. We have decades of experience in custody disputes that we apply to drafting agreements on child maintenance, childcare and visiting rights.


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